miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

Who I chose my career?

When I was child, I wanted to be the plane pilot, but i don´t like  the military.
When I was 18 years old , I chose  to study speech therapist, believing that I liked helping people, but not, It is stressful and nobody like stressful, then I quit to career. During the time that  i didn´t study, I worked of barista, while   trought that study and remenber that  i was very good for chemistry in the high school then i decided study chemistry.
My expirence at university always been terrible, because the university has  a lausy management. Finallly my ideal job would be a professional gamer.

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020

my autobiography

My name is Damian, i was  born in Santiago de Chile on July 31st, 1995.  During my childhood I studied  primary and secundary  at school Saint Maurice´s, the highschool I studied at  Dario Salas and now I study at Universidad De Chile for the second time.
I have  two brothers, I am  the middle child and I live with my mom and little brother.
My Hobbies are Martial arts and  during long time I practiced Parkour, but I had an accident, i broke my hand and stopped practicing, that was in june, 2013.

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020

Practice exercise

Hi my name is Damián and I study chemistry at university  of Chile. I don´t like English because I don´t understand it very well, but  i like  listening to  music in English. Nevertheles i usually watch movies in English beacuse the Spanish dub is bad.
I have problems  with  time verb tenses English and and connectors. Normally  I try  upgrade in English lenguage reading books and playing videogames in English.